For more than 27 years, our measurement instruments have ensured that customers around the world can meet exacting quality standards. For this reason, we are partnering with global companies and research institutions over many years. By maintaining long-term intensive relationships with many of our customers, we are able to supply them with the highest quality of innovative products and tailor-made solutions.
See what good results can do for you:
Inline systems and offline equipment for both production control and development of OLED layers and stacks.
Offline and Inline thin film and reflectance properties of textured and of coated solar wafers and of organic solar cells. Camera based process control for ingot growing.
Thin Film Competencies
Spectral Offline and Inline Measuring Systems, for thin film characterization in a wide layer thickness range, including coatings on foils/WEB, on large size glasses, on curved surfaces and including microscopic measurements.